Friday, August 7, 2015

Help a Momma Out

Wow, it's been a LOOOONNNNGGGG time since I've written something.  So, why not just get right back at it and let you know about something that happened to me that was simply awesome.  I just wanted to write a quick little something for you guys today.  It is so simple; yet so profound you’re going to think, “Why didn’t I think of that?”  Ladies and gentlemen, let me elaborate. 

Little Boy and I made a trip to the ‘ol Wal-Mart this morning.  I didn’t have anything that I needed to buy, just trying to kill some time before lunch.  As we’re walking around the store, Little Boy is making all kinds of flirty faces with any lady that passes by us; and saying hello to any gentleman who speaks to him.  (Yup, Little Boy is amazing AND friendly).

Long story short, I purchased a new laundry basket and a clearance summer toy for my little.  As we were walking out of the store and to the truck, Little Boy and I were just chatting away.  We continued this conversation as I put the laundry basket and toy in the back of our vehicle.  I then proceeded to place Little Boy in his car seat…

You won’t believe what happened next…

A gentleman, I don’t know how old, came up to me as I was closing Little Boy’s door; and asked if I wanted him to take my cart back in the store for me!  Cue The Hallelujah Chorus.  “Why, yes…I would greatly appreciate that.”  …And you know what- he wasn’t even a Wal-Mart employee.  He was just a generous man who wanted to help out a Momma who was trying to pack up and leave a parking lot.

I can’t even begin to tell you how this kind gesture helped me out.  Was it simple, yes?  But I can’t emphasize enough how the simple things can help a Momma out.  Taking a cart back into the store is easy.  Not condemning a Momma with a judgmental look while her almost two-year old screams in line at Qdoba is easy.  Looking a Momma in the eye, smiling and saying, it’s OK is easy. 

I’m just writing a little note to all of you to ask you, if you see a Momma- show her some compassion.  Take her cart back into the store for her.  If you see a Momma- show her some love and let her know that this is just a season and all will be all right.  If you see a Momma and her little is being amazing, tell her!  Mommas need that reassurance; Mommas just need to hear that they are making a difference, and this little that they are pushing around is just as sweet as they come. 

If this really isn’t your thing- I get it.  I am coming from a place where my heart is grateful.  I just challenge you to do one simple little thing this up coming weekend for a Momma.  Even if you just go up to a Momma who is packing up and trying to leave a parking lot…ask her if you can return her cart to the store for her.  I promise, it won’t go unnoticed.