Monday, December 29, 2014

My Year in Review

I’m sure you are well aware that Facebook created this year in review thing, in which Facebook will look at your page and figure out what your best moments were on social media for 2014.  Yes, I fell prey to it.  I created it, watched it, and shared it with hundreds of ‘friends’.  The whole thing seems kind of funny now.  A short, 10-second, flip through clip shows everyone that’s your ‘friend’ what kind of year you had.  If you honestly care about my year in review, I will be more than happy to share with you here…in my own words.

2014 was a beautiful year, but there were also so ugly moments.  I hate to think that social media portrays this glorious year with a few pictures to prove to people that you’re the happiest person around, or if you are reading this and you’re already passing judgment thinking that I am a horribly miserable woman because I haven’t said anything positive yet- I am neither of those things.  Let me explain.

2014 was a great year of reflection on friendships for me.  I had days where I thought about past relationships that ended with no real closure and thought about trying to get closure.  I had days where I thought, “you know, I have really tried to make this friendship work- why am I not getting anything back in return?”  Then I had days where I avoided Facebook because ‘friends’ would post things and all I did was roll my eyes.

2014 was a year where I thought about deactivating my Facebook page on several occasions.  Then a small voice in the back of my head would say, “Oh, but how will people see pictures of Little Boy?”  “How will I keep in touch with old friends?”  “How will people contact me if they need me for something?”  (I’ve thought about deleting all of my Facebook ‘friends’ and letting people who actually care about what’s going on in my life be a Facebook friend.  I know, that’s a crazy thought, isn’t it?)  I still have the thought of deactivating Facebook; I will let you know when I have made a decision.

2014 is the year I turned 29.  Let me say, this was a hard birthday.  Usually, I’m pretty pumped about birthdays…not my 29th.  I can’t really explain to you why I was dreading this birthday but I was.  Maybe because I don’t feel like I have really accomplished anything.  Or the fact that I’m not happy with what my bathroom scale has to say.  I don’t know.

I can sit here and type this, and tell you with 100% honesty that 2014 was a year that taught me that I am human.  (I can’t do everything myself.  I have to ask for help.  I depend on others.)  Watching my year in review on Facebook reminds me of how blessed I am though.  I am able to stay home and raise my little boy.  I am healthy (even though I am not happy with the scale).  I have a roof over my head, a warm bed, unfailing love, and faith.  (And those are just the things that come to mind when I think of my Mr.) 

I am confident enough to speak my mind, give my opinion, and admit when I am wrong.  2014 was a year where I had to do all of these things.  In doing so, I learned that I am not perfect, nor do I need to act like I have it all together all the time.  I have days where I’m not happy.  There are days where I am wearing the clothes I had worn the previous day.  There will be days where I can’t find the positive.  Then there are the days where I can’t wipe a smile off my face.  I get everything on my to-do list done.  I am able to get a nap in!  (Those are good days.)

So, Facebook- I’d like to tell you what my year in review should have been.  It should have showed that throughout 2014, I have grown into a woman who I would want to be friends with.  I’m honest, a little over-whelmed, not always put together, maybe a little random; but I am filled with joy.  That’s what you should have shown.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas Traditions…Are Christmas Cards Gonna Make It?

The Christmas countdown is on!  I love the Christmas season!  I can see the shift in people’s attitudes, demeanors, and views.  People tend to be a little bit friendlier, a little more outgoing, a little more stressed, a little more relaxed.  It just all depends.  I love seeing people saying hello to strangers or holding doors open for the people walking in behind them.  I think people genuinely try to be ‘nice’ during the Christmas season.

One of my most favorite things about the Christmas season is…CHRISTMAS CARDS!  I absolutely love walking to the mailbox in the month of December, wind whipping my hair in my face, opening the mailbox and seeing who sent my little family a card.  There is nothing better than getting a card from someone you’ve known since you were little, or an old high school friend, or a former co-worker. 

I love ripping open the envelopes to see what picture cards have been sent.  I love getting the old fashioned cards where people actually write a small note of hello to us.  I think Christmas cards are an amazing thing.  Sadly, I think they are on their way out the door.  Social Media is killing the joy of Christmas cards!

Can I tell you to not give in!  Don’t think that you can get away with posting your ‘card’ on Facebook and think that I’m OK with that.  If I have sent you a card, you can believe I am hoping that I will be getting one back in return.  I mean, what’s better: seeing a post on Facebook wishing you a Merry Christmas or physically opening up mail from a person who cared enough to let you know they were thinking of you this season?  (I’m going with the second option.)

I am in the middle of getting our cards ready to send out.  To be brutally honest, I have made a list, and will be checking it twice.  I hope that I get the same amount of cards back that I send out.  If not, I guess I’ll have to look my list over again and cross off names of people who do not send Christmas cards to my little family.  (That’s a little petty isn’t it?  Yes.  But, if I have taken the time to think of you, and spend money on cards and postage, I think the favor should be returned.)

Really think about sending out Christmas cards this year.  It’s a simple way of letting someone who has been an influence to you at some point in your life that you still think of him or her.  I promise, it will make you feel amazing to get a card back from them!  And, if you take my advice- Christmas cards will make it!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

I am Grateful

Hard to believe that the end of November is upon us, and we are just 26 days away from Christmas!  Where has this year gone?  Well, I can tell you my year has gone into growing a newborn into a toddler.  What an experience that has been.  I am so grateful to be able to stay at home with my Little Boy and watch him grow, learn, and love.  He is my greatest blessing.

I know there are a lot of people on social media who think the whole “30 Days of Thanks” is stupid.  (I, in fact, love scrolling through my newsfeed and seeing what people are thankful for.)  I think the month of November makes us more aware of our blessings, and I think people are more intentional about what it is they are thankful for on a given day because they have to post to Facebook what they are most thankful for.  I think that’s great accountability!  I love seeing the brutal honesty of people’s thankfulness- if it’s just a simple, “I’m thankful who the lady who paid for my coffee”, to “I made it through 65 traffic without killing anyone!”  I think it’s awesome! 

I did not participate in the 30 days of thanks on Facebook this year- though I have for the last four years (thanks to my timehop reminder).  So I thought I would write to you about what I am most thankful for in one place. 

1.    I am thankful for love.  God created it, He allowed me to learn it, and He allows me to show it. 
2.    I am thankful for the people who are in my ‘love bubble’ and who have let me into theirs.
3.    I am thankful for stubbornness.  Without it, I don’t know if Mr. and I would be married.
4.    I am thankful for stretchy pants.  I have learned that my body is not going to ever be the same…and I’m ok with that.  I love the fact that elastic waits are now apart of my wardrobe. 
5.    I am thankful for temper-tantrums.  Although they are not fun to deal with, they are a reminder that my Little Boy is growing and developing accordingly.
6.    I am thankful for mindless entertainment.  Sometimes it’s nice to watch a TV show and realize that there are some really pointless shows on television- but they allow me to escape the reality of the messiness that surrounds me in the basement.
7.    I am thankful for glasses.  Without them, I don’t know if this post would make a whole lot of sense.
8.    I am thankful for Mr.’s job.  It allows me the opportunity to stay home, and I am so proud of how hard my Mr. works to provide for his family.
9.    I am thankful that I am called mother.  I don’t know what my life would be like if I did not have my Little Boy.  He is simply amazing. 
10.I am thankful for my education.   It will allow me to re-enter the work force one day.
11.I am thankful for Savannah, GA.  This is where we honeymooned.  I think of this place often and it just makes me happy.
12.I am thankful for vacations.  It’s always nice to get away and live someonelse’s life for a week.
13.I am thankful for a basement.  I no longer am afraid of storms…and the fact that we have a place to store Little Boy’s toys is a bonus.
14.I am thankful for friendships that span over decades.  I am blessed that I have friends that have been in my life since I was in elementary school.  I may not see these people everyday, talk to them everyday- but I know I could call them and they would be there for me in a heartbeat.
15.I am thankful for the influence of my grandparents.  They endured and conquered.  They are overcomers.  (And I really do miss them!)
16.I am thankful for my Mother.  She is in a league of her own. 
17.I am thankful for my Father.  He is a pillar in our family.
18.I am thankful for my Sister.  She is one of my best friends. 
19.I am thankful for my youngest Sister.  She is the comic relief our family always needs.
20.I am thankful for the two guys who married my two sisters.  They are just like brothers to me.
21.I am thankful for my in-laws.  I was blessed with good ones!  They have always taken care of Mr. and me…and they take even greater care of our Little Boy.  Mr.’s sister and I are sisters and I am thankful for the relationship she and I have.
22. I am thankful for the fall season.  I think it’s the season where God shows off His artistic ability.
23. I am thankful for books.  I love to read.
24.I am thankful for Dave Ramsey’s principals.  We are debt free! (Except for our house.)  I couldn’t be more ecstatic about that.
25. I am thankful for gifts (it is my love language), big or small.  I love gifts.
26.I am thankful for good days.  (You know those days where you get everything on your to-do list done.  There are no problems that pop up.  Things go according to plan.  I love those days!)
27.I am thankful that Mr. allows me to be me.  He doesn’t judge me.  He just lets me be me.
28.I am thankful for good photographers.  We have so many great pictures because of these professionals.
29.I am thankful for my church.  I always leave feeling recharged.  (I also leave convicted.)
30.I am thankful for Jesus.  My relationship isn’t perfect with Him.  It’s a work in progress.  I am so thankful that He understands I want to draw nearer to Him, and some days I screw that up.  I am thankful that He loves me, and saved me. 

Thanks for sticking around and reading this.  I am thankful that you read this blog and allow me to share my thoughts, opinions, and feelings.  You make me feel like you’re really listening to me, and for that I am grateful!  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

My 10-year Reunion

This weekend I celebrated with some old friends our 10-year high school reunion.  Let me be frank, planning a reunion is not easy.  Let’s just say that people can make the easiest thing the most difficult thing.  I started planning this reunion back in January, with a team, so we could have this thing rock.  In my opinion- it did rock. 

If you missed our reunion, you missed out on some great story telling, reminiscing, and making new memories.  I had such a fun time celebrating our friendships, with my husband, and with classmates that go all the way back to elementary school.  It meant a lot to me to have people show up. So, I thought it would be fitting to thank the people who did come with a blog post, than try and make a status update on Facebook.

High School Friends- these are the people I have known the least amount of time, but yet, they still made an impact on my life.

Beth- I met Beth freshman year during third block lunch.  Come to find out, she hated me because she liked this boy who liked me.  When I sat down with her and introduced myself- she was like, “You’re K?”  Needless to say, she got over the boy and she and I had one heck of a friendship.  We were involved in every club you could think of, hung out at Taco Bell with our sisters, and she even did my taxes for me my senior year.  I still owe her $5 for completing them.  Beth is kind, and would give you the shirt off her back.  It was great hearing her unforgettable laugh one more time.

Trista- She and I became pretty close our junior and senior year of high school.  We sat next to each other in math class (Algebra junior year and then AP Statics senior year).  I can say that we talked more about the boys in our lives than we learned about math.  She had a rock solid faith, which she still does to this day- and the friendliest smile out of anyone I know.  Trista is the most genuine and down to Earth person.  If I had to pick my seat and math class all over again, you best believe I would pick the seat right next to Trista!

Billy- Billy was this big rough and tough football player.  We didn’t have any classes together, but we had mutual friends and knew of each other.  Towards the end of junior year we started talking a little more when we passed each other in the hall.  I can say that he was always kind to me, and always looked out for his friends.  He’s a guy you can depend on, and I am so glad he came to the reunion.

Aaron- Aaron and I met our freshman year in mixed choir.  The only class I had with him in high school was choir.  Aaron to this day is one of the most sincere guys I know.  I just remember him being fearless.  He wasn’t afraid to skip a class and run to go get food for us.  I will never forget him jumping the rhino exhibit our senior year on a field trip to he zoo.  Aaron was always happy and laughing.  I can definitely say that he was like a brother to me.  He wasn’t into trying to impress people- he was himself, 100%, all of the time.  That’s what I admire most about him; he’s still that way today!

Lauren- Is a girl who is still as pretty today as she was in high school.  Lauren and I were never in the same crowd, but we did share an English class together.  We hated it!  All we did was sleep in there…I don’t know how either of us passed!

Chad- He was in the same class as Lauren and I…maybe he’s the reason we passed?  I guess we will never know.  Chad is one of the nicest guys around.  I know that he never had an unkind word to say about anyone.  I just remember thinking all the time how nice he was.  He’s done really well for himself in the last 10 years.  It was great to see him and catch up with his wife!

Nicole- Always, always, made me laugh.  I was laughing at her this weekend too; she has not lost her sense of humor.  I met Nicole freshman year and we remained friends all through high school.  Lunch was always fun with Nicole.  It was so good to see her.

Rosanna- This chick is the!  Rosanna and I got really close senior year.  We had senior English together and had to stick together in that class.  (We were in a class that was extremely chaotic and dysfunctional.)  Rosanna was a good kid who wasn’t afraid to skip class or run and go get lunch for herself…or a teacher.  Rosanna’s a person that once she lets you in, she’s there for you 100%.  She’s one of the most loyal people I know.  

Middle School Friends- These folks have been around since I was like 11-12?  You know what that time is like!

Christian- I remember seeing Christian in 6th grade and thinking, “Man he has pretty hair.”  He still does to this day!  He was always in the ‘cool crowd’ but never had to try to be in that crowd…he’s defiantly one of the coolest guys around.  He tells you like it is; there’s no black or white with him.  He’s done well for himself too; it was nice hearing about all of his accomplishments. 

Bryan- Was one of my closest friends all throughout middle and high school.  He was the guy that I could depend on to help me with homework or talk to me about the mean kids we had to deal with.  I still think of Bryan as a close friend.  I know that if I needed something, I could ask him and he’d help me- no matter the circumstance.  He is one of a kind.

Jaron- I don’t know what to say about this guy!  Just kidding.  Jaron and I still keep in touch to this day; this is the friend that I let copy off me from the first day of middle school to final exams of senior year.  Jaron has been with me through it all.  He is like a brother to me.  I can be honest with him, and he doesn’t judge me for it.  He’s a thrill seeker, and has almost met his Maker a time or two.  I am so blessed that he’s still in my life.  He would do anything for anyone.  He’s loyal, trustworthy, and hilarious.  He’s one of a kind, and I can say that I love having him as a friend.

Elementary School Friends- These friendships are the ones that started when I was five.  I love the fact that these people are still around and we can share the same crazy stories of Roby Elementary.

Lindsey- Lindsey and I grew up in the same neighborhood, just a street away from each other.  We met in Kindergarten…I have known this woman for 23 years.  Gosh that makes be feel old.  She’s reliable, honest, and nuts.  This girl can remember things from the neighborhood that I had totally forgotten.  I love her.

David- David and I were in 4th grade together.  He was always super nice, but was always going 100mph.  He’s a guy that stays true to his friends, and will help you out no matter if he’s known you for years or a couple of weeks.  He’s just a great guy, and it was awesome getting to see him.

Desiree- Has been a friend since first grade; and I wouldn’t trade our friendship for the world.  She is sweet as honey; but if you cross her- forget it.  It’s like messing with a hornet’s nest.  Desi is one in a million.  I am thankful that I had the chance to sit and catch up with her.  I don’t see her much, but when I do- it’s like no time has passed.

Bradley- What can I say about this one?  He has always had my back…always.  He’s a good guy through and through.  He did give me this awful nickname, “Poofy” because of the bangs I had back in the day.  But you know bangs were in, in the 90’s.  I can say that I love this kid.

Crystal- This is the coolest chick you will ever meet.  She came to our elementary school in third grade.  She and I hit it off, and have been friends since we were eight.  I admire the fact that she’s not afraid to be who she is, and you either like her or you don’t.  She’s always been this way- this was something I have only learned within the last few years.  I love Crystal.  She’s sincere and would do anything for anybody.  I am blessed to still call her a friend. 

Daniel- Daniel and I go back to first grade.  He and I were completely opposite.  He was the daredevil, and I was the one who wouldn’t try anything.  He liked to bend the rules and I followed them.  I was honestly surprised that he showed up; but it was so good to see him!  He’s one proud papa, and I admire how much he loves his kiddo.

Holly- Let me just say, if you missed our reunion- you missed Holly.  She’s hot!  She was my best friend in third grade, man we did everything together!  I loved going to her house, I have so many good memories with Holly.  We went horseback riding, spent the night together, and even joined Brownies together.  Then we got split up- Holly is incredibly intelligent, actually I don’t think I can even describe how gifted she is, and I’m just not as smart as her.  It was so nice to see her…she’s beautiful inside and out.

Eric- I can honestly say I was surprised to see him.  It was so good to see him; I think it’s been since high school that I’ve actually talked to him.  He’s still the same ‘ol guy.  It was great catching up with him.  Eric and I were really good friends in high school; I have great memories of him.

Angie- I don’t even know where to start with Angie.  She has been around since elementary school, and we knew each other- but we didn’t really hang out until high school.   All of my high school memories include this lady.  She’s fun, she cares, and she let me be me without judging me.  Still to this day I love talking to her.  She’s another one where it doesn’t matter how much time passes, whenever we see each other- we pick up right where we left off.  Angie has always been good to me, always.  I can count on her for anything.  She’s simply amazing.

Now, if you stuck with me and read about each of these people, thank you!  Our reunion was amazing.  I know it may seem like we didn’t have a ton of people show- but the people who did come had a good time and great conversations.  If you’re reading this and you didn’t come to the reunion- think about coming to the next one.  If you have the attitude, “No one will be there” and you don’t come- then yeah- no one will be there.