Sunday, April 27, 2014

Becoming The New Me: Part 1

Many people, who are close to me, know that I suffered a miscarriage in September 2012.  This experience is apart of me now, and I feel that it is the appropriate time to share my experience through this devastating loss.  This event has changed me forever, and for the better I think.  I just want to let you all know that it might take a few of blog posts to convey my story to you.

Here is Part 1:

Mr. and I decided in May 2012 that it would be a great time to expand our family of two (and our two kitties) to three.  We never imagined how easy it would be to get pregnant.  It took only two months for it to happen.  I took a pregnancy test in August, and the results proved to be what we wanted…we were on our way to becoming parents!

I had already planned everything out in my head.  I knew what I was going to do to tell our folks that they were being promoted to grandparents.  I knew how I was going to publicize it on Facebook.  I even knew how I was going to announce my pregnancy to my coworkers.  Every detail was planned.  I was elated!

August tuned into September, and I was looking forward to Labor Day weekend.  (When you’re a teacher, you look forward to your weekends; they are valuable.)  I was ready to say goodbye to summer “officially”, eat some of my in-laws famous turkey burgers, and my Dad’s amazing hamburgers.  Nothing was going to ruin this weekend, nothing.

Mr. and I celebrated with our families and headed back home.  I was feeling great, but was ready to get in bed.  As I was getting ready, I noticed that I had some spotting.  Which, I dismissed after I read on the Internet that was normal in the first few weeks of pregnancy.  I went to bed, woke up the next morning and knew something wasn’t right.  I told Mr. he needed to take me to the emergency room.

I silently prayed on the way to the hospital that God would save my baby.  That He would spare me, and give me what I wanted.  I walked into the ER and said, “I’m 6 weeks pregnant, and I’m bleeding.”

About half an hour later, after some blood work and a couple of other tests, the doctor confirmed my worst fear.  I had lost the baby.  I sobbed.  I have no other way of describing what I did.  I was livid.  I was absolutely devastated.

I took the rest of the week off from work, and followed the doctor’s order of resting.  I was pretty much in a fog.  I mean- who miscarries?  Am I the only person who has experienced this?  I didn’t know of anyone else who had lost a baby. 

Certainly this was a nightmare and I would wake up at some point.  I mean, I had done everything right my entire life and was shocked and OUTRAGED that God allowed this to happen.  I mean- after all- I am His child. 

Why would He let this transpire?  I have gone to church my entire life, read my Bible and done devotionals, I even waited until marriage.  This was how God was going to repay me for being so faithful to Him?   I didn’t know what to do.  All I knew was I didn’t want anything to do with God. 

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