Thursday, July 17, 2014

Movin' on Up: Day 1

Mr. and I have decided that we are going to sell our home.  Yes, our first home.  It is bittersweet, but with Little Boy growing (as well as his toy supply) we’ve decided that we need a little more space (a basement).  Our house is for sale.

This isn’t something that we just thought about doing in a day.  If you know Mr. or me, you know that when it comes to big decisions- we take our time.  We had originally thought about selling in Spring 2015, then thought hey- let’s try Summer 2014, and see what happens.  Our house is for sale.

So here we are.  We had a listing agent come and evaluate our home.  Had a photographer come and take professional pictures of our home.  We have broken the news to our beloved neighbors.  Our house is for sale.

We received the email (this morning) from our listing agent that our house can be found on the MLS listing site for other realtors to see- and that it should be available for public viewing on sites within the next 48 hours.  This ship is setting sail.  Our house is for sale.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE our home.  Love it!  We just need more space.  In a dream world, I would take our current home, set it on top of a basement, and have 5 acres of land surrounding it.  With that said, that’s the home we are currently searching for.  I haven’t been able to find it.  So, I teeter between buying a home and building our new home.

I feel like I need to document this journey.  I hope that you will come along beside me and help me get through this next phase of our life.  Honestly, I hope our house sells quickly.  I hope that we can get full asking price.  I hope that I can make up my mind with trying to find a home- or building one. 

I think what else I’m gonna do is give you a little bit of my advice on selling your home while I go through this process with my Mr.  Who knows, you might be sitting and reading this thinking, “Hey, I am ready to sell my home too!”

Day One Advice:
Find a good realtor 
(we are using

De-clutter your home 
(anything that you can live without for the next few weeks, pack away)

Create a to-do list 
(things that you have been meaning to fix, fix it.  For example, we put in a new entry door to the garage and Mr. hadn’t gotten around the painting the trim.  Long story short- it’s painted now)

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