Friday, July 18, 2014

Movin' on Up: Day 2

Well, we are looking at the second day of our house being on the market.  We had the For Sale sign delivered, and stuck into the front yard, yesterday afternoon.  Things are moving along according to plan.  We are excited!

This morning I received a text message from an App that the incredible Miles and Smith Group uses called: ShowingTime.  Basically (in a nutshell), someone sees your house- they want to come and look at- that information is sent to the app, the app sends you a text with the time they are wanting to come and view your home; and you either respond with a yes or no.  Simple.  Easy.  I love simple and easy.

With that being said, we have the first showing of our house tomorrow afternoon.  Yes, our house went up on Thursday, and we already have a showing for Saturday.  I know- that was fast!  I’m telling you, it works for the better to find a realtor that is willing to work for you.  Do your research!  J

We decided to use The Miles and Smith Group because a friend of mine from high school works for them.  (She’s out on maternity leave, so we ended up not working with her).  They have an incredible record of selling homes, getting (or close to) your asking price, and moving things along rapidly.  That was something that was important to us.  We didn’t want our house to sit and sit and sit.  We wanted to put it up on the market, and have it sold quickly.

I will let you know how the showing goes.  We are hoping for the best!  Here’s to Saturday!

Day Two Advice
Be sure your home has curb appeal
(Plant some flowers, cut the grass, and trim the trees.  The outside of your house is the first thing people are going to see.)

Make sure your home is ready for potential buyers
(Get rid of all personal pictures, move furniture around to create maximum space, dust in places you never knew existed.)

Look into staging your home
(We’re fortunate that Mr.’s sister is an interior designer.  We had her help us with de-cluttering our home; using furniture and artwork we already had to make our home still look homey, and telling us what things we needed to go ahead and pack up and put away in storage.  This was great because when the listing agent came to our home, she really didn’t have anything to say about what we needed to do to get our home ready for the market.  It had already been done.)

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